After training in Internal Medicine and Nephrology at McGill University (1972-1976), and in Clinical Epidemiology as part of the Clinical Scholar Program at Yale University (1976-1978), Dr. Hutchinson returned to Montreal where he practiced Nephrology and was the Director of the Division of Clinical Epidemiology at the Royal Victoria Hospital. His research focused on the clinical determinants of survival in patients with kidney failure. In the 1980’s he met Virginia Satir and in 1998 he led an initiative resulting in the publication of a book (Heroes:100 Stories of Living with Kidney Failure) that recounts the lived experience of patients with kidney disease in their own words. In 2002, in order to enlarge his focus on the quality of patients’ lived experience, Dr. Hutchinson changed his clinical practice to Palliative Medicine and joined Dr. Balfour Mount in developing McGill Programs in Whole Person Care. Since 2004, when Dr. Hutchinson became the Director, the Programs have developed a curriculum that teaches healing in medicine to all medical students throughout all 4 years of the new Physicianship Curriculum at McGill. Dr. Hutchinson edited the first academic book on Whole Person Care (Springer,2011). He has published numerous academic papers, given invited talks and workshops on whole person care around the world, and has published two further books on whole person care (2017 and 2019). In 2012, he was named to the Faculty Honour List for Educational Excellence at McGill. Dr. Hutchinson chairs the biennial International Congress on Whole Person Care sponsored by McGill’s Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences.