Charity of the year
Why not nominate North West Hospice as your company’s ‘Charity of the Year’ or preferred charity over a period of time? We can help you design a fundraising and information programme to suit the needs of your company and to support a greater understanding of the work we do. This will help you support a great charity, inspire your employees and increase respect for your company in the community.

Corporate donations
Companies can treat a donation as a normal business expense, which means you can donate to North West Hospice and save on corporation tax. You can donate in memory of someone special or in lieu of gifts or simply donate to support our services.
Give As You Earn/ Payroll Giving
Payroll giving helps us plan our services for the future. If you are interested in setting up a Wage Deduction Scheme, please contact us for more information.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
A great way to develop team spirit and motivate your employees is to organise an event in support of North West Hospice or volunteer to do a project as part of your corporate social responsibility programme. We’ve had fantastic teams from local companies blitz our gardens and renovate our premises. You can also encourage your employees to fundraise for us by offering to match whatever they fundraise with a corporate donation.
If you’re a small business, an easy way to start supporting North West Hospice is to participate in our annual coffee morning, which is held in September.