North West Hospice provides palliative care services for people with life limiting illnesses where they are residing, be that at home, in a nursing home, hospital or in our hospice.
In-Patient Care
The hospice is a quiet, calm environment where staff have time to spend with you, get to know you, listen to you and ensure that all your needs are met. In addition to the 24-hour medical and nursing care, we offer a complete range of services such as social work, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and spiritual support.
Palliative Care
The palliative care team are a team of Nurses, Doctors and Social Workers who work. We work closely with your GP and Public Health Nurse, who continue to have overall medical and nursing responsibility for your care.
Palliative Care
Our Hospital Palliative Care Team based in Sligo University Hospital – provides palliative care to patients at Sligo University Hospital and their families, and provides support to the hospital’s medical and nursing teams.
New Walk and Talk Bereavement Group Launching 20th November 2024
Thank You!
North West Hospice Sunflower Days Thursday 6th and Friday7th June 2024
North West Hospice Charity Shop took to the streets for St Patrick’s Day Parade 2024.
North West Hospice Memorial Walk 2024
Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly T.D. launches the construction of a new €14 million in-patient HSE funded unit at North West Hospice
Transforming Spaces: Our new children’s play area at North West Hospice.
Our New Patient and Family Garden at North West Hospice
Cheque Presentation at Beyond, Finisklin, Sligo
& Donations
North West Hospice would not exist without the dedication and generosity of the many people who help us fundraise.
Donations to North West Hospice are vital in allowing us to maintain our essential services.
Volunteers make a difference to North West Hospice! They have an important role in enhancing and supporting our services.