Referral to Palliative Care

Please click the button below to download the North West Hospice Referral Form.

Who Can Avail Of Our Services?

Our palliative care service is available to those living with a life-limiting illness in Sligo, Leitrim, south Donegal and west Cavan, wherever they are residing. This can be their own home, Nursing Home, Hospital or our hospice In-Patient Unit. A life-limiting illness includes people with a whole variety of illnesses including, heart failure, lung disease, cancer and  renal failure.  If you think palliative care may be appropriate for you, discuss this with your GP.

How Do I Get Palliative Care?

In order to receive palliative care you need a referral from the doctor who is in charge of your care.  In the hospital this will be your consultant and in the community this will be your GP.

What Does A Visit From The Palliative Care Team Involve?

At your first visit, we will make an assessment of your symptoms and your needs. We will explain our service and address any questions you might have. Any recommendations or medication changes will be discussed with you and your GP or consultant. 
If you are in the hospital you will then have regular follow-ups by our Hospital Palliative Care Team. When you are discharged, you will be referred to our Community Palliative Care Team, if required.

In the community patients will be followed up by Specialist Palliative Care Nurses assigned to your area. They will liaise with your GP. If your condition stabilises or your health improves you may be discharged from our service.

Information For GPs

All referrals should be completed utilising the national referral form here. and sent via Heathmail:

(Healthmail is the most secure and *monitored mode of communication for referrals. If you are unable to send via healthmail we do have a fax number that can be used in exceptional circumstances (071) 911 9566 – All faxes must be followed up with a phone call to (071) 914 3317 to ensure it has been received). (*monitored 9am to 5pm Mon to Friday excluding bank holidays).

In the event that a GP or Hospital Consultant requires urgent advice on a referral out of hours (ie. Evenings, weekends or bank holidays) please contact (071) 9143317.
